Patru noi consultanti pentru Litecoin Foundation
O fundatie care isi propune sa promoveze a saptea criptomoneda ca valoare de piata, Litecoin Foundation are patru noi consultanti.
Litecoin Foundation e o organizatie nonprofit cu sediul in Singapore, care are ca scop adoptarea Litecoin prin promovarea si dezvoltarea tehnologiei blockchain.
Directorul de proiect al fundatiei, David Schwartz, a anuntat pe Twitter noii membri ai echipei.
I would like to #FF the newest members to @LTCFoundation @luizalopespalma @BlakeRizzo24 @JonhaRichman @CommonEnemyInc
Thank you for bringing your talents, energy and dedication to a greater cause and deciding to bless us, the #litecoinfam with them.
— David Schwartz (aka - Dasch) [ŁTC] ⚡🐓 (@DaddyCool1991) January 25, 2019
Luiza Palma, Jonha Richman, Kyle Tekiela (Common Enemy) and Blake Rizzo se alatura echipei lui Charlie Lee and Xinxi Wong ca membri ai fundatiei.